You know you are really an adult when your parents cut off your money supply. They might do it slowly, one expense at a time or, they may give you a deadline and suddenly you are on your own.
Depending on how you have been raised will make a big difference in how you adjust. Have you had to work during your holidays or on weekends and evenings? Were you given a monthly allowance for personal items, entertainment, petrol etc and your parents paid for everything else?
Were you able to soft talk your parents into baling you out or, were they steadfast in making you learn to come out on what they gave you? Did you earn pocket money by doing chores?
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- Written by: Pat Pughe-Parry
- Category: Teens to Adults
I write a weekly newsletter for our website, Dave Pughe-Parry ADHD Coaching and Training
While I was researching information about Teens and ADHD, I came across this question on Social Media from an anonymous parent.
“If my son is not doing well enough to be accepted into university. Not due to intelligence but due to laziness. (It’s not for lack of trying and parenting before anyone gets on that bandwagon!) We have tried everything possible to kick his ass, but you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
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- Written by: Pat Pughe-Parry
- Category: Teens to Adults